Draw, Write, Act is one of our longest running camps.  Students combine movement, acting, and voice techniques with writing, drawing, and some technical bits to write their very own play.  It is FUN, and Jaclyn is an amazing teacher as you will see in Sly’s interview below.

SLY: What kind of work do you do?
Jaclyn: I’m a youth theatre director/teacher. Remember when you used to put on plays as a kid? Yeah, me too and it was awesome. I love to help facilitate the creative process, giving a safe place for the story as well as the arts that come with it. Theatre is a most inclusive art form- there’s acting, sewing, building, painting, music, movement, lighting and everything in between.
I use my classes as an avenue for writing- which I love to do. I also create original scripts and love putting them together with original masks to create Reader Theatre Kits. I am a chalk pastel artist and a dancer in a West African Drum and Dance group as well as a performer and teacher with Wild Swan Theater.
SLY: What two animals would you mix into one new animal?
Jaclyn: Hmmm, well my 2 favorite animals are manatees and horses. Not sure how they would work together. Maybe it would be more of a combination of their spirits- content, slow, happy but ready to travel and run fast when they feel like it!
SLY: What do you like to teach?
Jaclyn: As well as my theatre classes, I also love teaching West African Dance, World Dance Workout and Pure Barre. Those are all adult classes, not quite as cool as kid classes though.
SLY: What’s your favorite vegetable? Mine is a pickle. Are you a vegetarian?
Jaclyn: I’m not a vegetarian. I’m a pretentious meat eater. My priority is to eat meat that has been respectfully raised and lived nearby. My fav vegetable might be beets. Roasted or juiced. yum.
SLY: Do you have kids?
Jaclyn: 2 amazing, exhausting, adorable, messy, wild, beautiful, thoughtful… did I say wild? Boys. They are 4 and 1 1/2. They are my full time job, I’m so blessed to be able to do what I love teaching kids on a part time basis right now.

Draw, Write, Act: African Tales
8/22/2016 – 8/26/2016
Mon – Fri 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Grades: 2nd – 6th
Take a visit to Africa with FLY! Reading African folk tales, we’ll be inspired to see the world in a new way. We’ll dance and drum as we collaborate on choreography and acting to re-tell tales from the other side of the world. Additional performance will take place on 9/2/2016 for First Friday’s Artwalk.
Instructors: Jaclyn Morrow has worked with Art Smart Nashville, the Ann Arbor Art Center, Chelsea Area Players Youth, Youth Theatre in Oracabessa Jamaica, the Ann Arbor YMCA and was the Resident Youth Theatre Director at the Plymouth Community Arts Council. She has taught and performed with the Blue Moves Modern Dance Company, Tree of Life Drum and Dance Society, Like Water Drum and Dance, Nomobugunte Drum and Dance Troupe, and Wild Swan Theatre.